
Specialized Erosion Control

Our erosion control services include planning, implementation, management, and monitoring.


Effective Inlet Protection

Protecting inlets is essential to prevent soil erosion, especially during heavy rainfall or running water.


Proven Silt Fencing

Silt fencing is an effective solution to prevent erosion caused by heavy rainfall or running water.


Functional Erosion Protection

Preventing erosion is crucial in maintaining a stable and sustainable environment.


Tennessee Erosion Control – Our Story

Tennessee Erosion Control was founded in 2022 with the aim of providing reliable and high-quality erosion control services. Our exceptional service stands out above the rest and has quickly become a sought-after option for contractors and customers looking for solutions to their erosion problems. We take pride in our superior service and solutions, which allows our customers to have peace of mind knowing that their projects are in good hands.




High Quality



Our Services

Erosion Control

Erosion control is an important process that helps to protect land and property from damage caused by wind and water. Through our services, you can protect your investment for years to come.

Silt Fencing

Silt fencing is an excellent way to protect properties or create barriers between different areas. It is strong, sturdy, and reliable, and it can help to create an aesthetically pleasing barrier.

Inlet Protection

Inlet protection is essential to ensure that sediment and pollutants don’t flow into waterways. Protecting inlets with screens or sediment traps helps prevent unwanted damage.

Let’s Get to Work

Whether you are looking for an erosion prevention plan for a commercial project or require immediate erosion control for a construction site, our experienced professionals have the knowledge and skills to assist you.

To learn more about how we can help you with your next project, please fill out our contact form above, or call us at (615) 891-1540. Don’t let your erosion control needs go unanswered! Tennessee Erosion Control is ready to deliver top-tier solutions to meet your needs and expectations.

How Can we help?

Want to Know a little About us? Let us tell you.

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